April 26, 2006

20th Anniversary of Chernobyl Blast

At 0353 IST, 27th April 1986 an explosion at Chernobyl nuclear plant tore off the plant's roof, spewing radioactive fallout over swathes of the then-USSR and Europe. The Soviet took its time to announce the "possibility of a catastrophe" which caused 93,000 deaths by cancer alone, while the total number could be as high as 200,000.

Ukraine is holding a series of events today to ommemorate the 20th anniversary of the world's worst nuclear disaster at the Chernobyl power plant. At evening ceremonies in Kiev, hundreds of mourners, each carrying a single red carnation and flickering candles, gathered for an outdoor Orthodox Christian service. President President Viktor Yushchenko was also present.

Links :

Wikipedia Entry
The Chernobyl nightmare revisited
Chernobyl 20 Years On
Sasha Yuvchenko : Survivor
Poems by survivors
Wordwood Forest : A natural history of Chernobyl
Assessment of Radiological and Health Impacts
International Atomic Energy Agency Report on Chernobyl
United Nations and Chernobyl
Game: Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl
Chernobyl Children's Project International

The Chernobyl Myth : Vilhelm Konnander's weblog
Remembering Chernobyl : Andrea Mitchell
Bring Forth New Life : On An Overgrown Path
Chernobyl : Megan Case
A Chornobyl [Chernobyl] Poem : Renaissance Research
