May 24, 2007

Exotic Locations

Johannesburg, also knows as eGoli is the largest city in South Africa. The city with a large gold and diamond trade, and the busiest airport in the continent, is next on my list of places to visit. All international travellers to Africa, happen to travel to Johannesburg weather they like it or not. Recent additions include history museums, such as the Apartheid Museum and the Hector Pieterson Museum. An amusement park called Gold Reef City. The Johannesburg Zoo and a few art museums like the Johannesburg Art Gallery. The Market Theatre complex, the Mandela Museum, The Cradle of Humankind UNESCO World Heritage Site, The Sterkfontein fossil site are just a few of the attractions. You need to get your flights to Johannesburg, if you want to check all of that out for yourself.

Then there is Brazil. The place where City of God was shot. The place of beautiful women and more sandy beaches. You can book your flight to Brazil here. Also if you're looking at Asia, you can book flights to Singapore.

Singapore might be called the best place to do business, it is also one of the most exotic locations you might travel to. It is also a major shipping hub. So if you're interested in any of those just run, and get your tickets today.