May 17, 2007

Sponsored Post : Pingo Calling Cards

This is a sponsored post.

Tired of looking through hundreds of calling cards to find out which one of them turns out to be the cheapest. Well now you can relax, because the cheapest card that you would ever find is already here. Pingo, the prepaid calling card provider started by iBasis, a public company (NASDAQ: IBAS), it intends to provide you with a cheap alternative and saving a lot of your time.

More so if you use your mobile to call up, then using Pingo allows you to save as much as 90% on international calls, if you use Pingo. They use a trademarked PIN-less dialling, so that you don't have to remember the passwords. And you also get $5 just for singing up. It is also the lowest India prepaid calling card rate(India = 7.3 cents)

Other than that there are free merchant giveaways, free fathers day calls, and an affiliate program too.