July 27, 2005

Fastest service : 11 hours to fix problem at blogcafe.com

My aim this time was to try out different services where one could try out a new blog. It's not that I am not happy with Blogger for any reason, but it's just that there are new services coming out all the while, and you never know when anything better comes along.

I decided to start a page with Blogcafe, and came up with this. The best part about Blogcafe was the speed at which thier support responds. I was having some problems and in less than half a day, 11 hours to be precise, my problem was fixed. Besides it is very easy to use. They do not give you the template like blogger to do whatever you want with it, but you can do almost all the things, except without worrying about the html details. Your feed, and trackbacks are automatically setup so you don't have to worry about them. The default for feed is off on Blogger, and you need third party help for trackbacks. In addition there are a lot of other options, still unheard of at blogger.

So if you're looking to start a new page, give it a shot.

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